On Wednesday, The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) announced the list of players who will be under central contracts for 2020-21 season. PCB took some stern steps by leaving out premier fast bowlers like Hasan Ali, Mohammad Amir and Wahab Riaz from the central contract list. Soon after, Hasan Ali took a sly dig towards the PCB through his cryptic tweet. However, he deleted his tweet later.
Ali debuted made his International debut for Pakistan in 2016. He started to perform very well for the Men In Green. His stellar display with the ball helped the Pakistani team to win the ICC Champions Trophy 2017. However, he suffered a dip in form after this tournament. He even could not come up with the goods during the ICC Cricket World Cup 2019. His career became marred by frequent injuries. He missed out on a majority of matches in 2019-20. Owing to that, Hasan lost his place in the national team.
A Fan posts Hasan Ali’s deleted cryptic tweet.
Ali posted his photo of performing his trademark generator celebration, on twitter. Moreover, he wrote in the caption, “This celebration is not just for bowling.” Ali may have wanted to signal it to the PCB that he is not bothered for not getting the central contract from the PCB.
However, he deleted his tweet soon. But, a Pakistani fan had already taken a screenshot of his tweet by then. He posted it on Twitter.
Hassan Ali deleted tweet🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/NCZ818zZj8
— zain (@ThatUlisse) May 13, 2020
Pakistan Team’s coach cum selector, Misbah-ul-Haq had already explained the reason for leaving out the three fast bowlers from the central contract. He said that Wahab and Amir have left Test Cricket and are focussing on limited-overs cricket only. So, it was okay to remove them. He also added that Hasan has missed plenty of matches due to injury. So, the selectors decided to leave him out of the contract.
Misbah-ul-Haq revealed the reason for leaving out the three fast bowlers from the central contract
“The selectors have made the tough decisions to leave out Amir, Hasan and Wahab but considering Hasan missed most of the season due to an injury and Amir and Wahab decided to focus on white-ball cricket, this was the right move.
“However, Amir and Wahab are senior and experienced bowlers and they remain in contention as we believe they can still contribute to the Pakistan men’s cricket team and also mentor our young battery of fast bowlers,” Misbah said in a press release issued by the PCB.
Hasan Ali is now suffering from a back problem and may require surgery
According to reports, Hasan Ali is now suffering from back problems. It became evident during the PSL matches in February-March. “He has developed a back problem since late April and the PCB has sent his medical reports to medical experts in Australia and some other countries for advice,” the source said.
The source even said that the PCB is ready to send Hasan to Australia or any other country if the doctors advise Hasan to have surgery. “There are two options available for Hasan, either he undergoes a long-term therapy treatment or has surgery but everything will depend on the advice by the foreign experts,” the source said. It is indeed a tough time for the 25-year-old Pakistani fast bowler.