5. Use some big words at least to express the same chain of thoughts as a football content writer!!
There are certain BIG WORDS or KEY NAMES that only a FOOTBALL FAN can know!! Like Arsenal are called The Gunners and Arsenal fans are called The Gooners and so on. A non-football fan would never know such alternate names, unless they have really done their HOMEWORK WELL.
Every SPORT has such SPECIAL WORDS or UNIQUE NAMES that make a writer, who he is. It gives a special identity to the WRITER, when he can use such terms that further help him or her bond with the audience, showcasing that they are part of the community.
Also, certain TRIVIA or STORIES can also help connect better, along with FACTUAL DATA. All these are tools that show the AUDIENCE/FANS that you know your SH*T!! And so, it becomes ESSENTIAL!! These differentiate an AVERAGE WRITER from the BETTER ONES and the BETTER eventually from THE BEST!! So, don’t be shy to use what you know!!
4. Edit your own articles at least 3 times (multiple revisions can give rise to newer or additional thoughts)
Articles need to be self-edited at least once to check for the ERRORS that might exist. And though there are TOOLS these days to help, the OLD-FASHIONED WAY of editing always helps.
It not just makes a WRITER rectify his errors. But also helps him or her, add more to an article. These could be MINUTE DETAILS or SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT that was lost in the CHAIN OF THOUGHTS. However, adding it, could re-define the whole article.
It’s just the SMALL THINGS that make a GOOD ARTICLE, GREAT!! And that’s the whole reason why WRITERS that want to IMPROVE, work on such basic things. Doing the BASICS right, helps the other things improve as well.
Plus, editing helps a WRITER understand certain issues that might be consistently recurring. This will help him or her save valuable time in the FUTURE!! The real reason for time-wasting in articles are ERRORS that keep happening, over and over again!! And with initial editing, they can easily be avoided!!
Plus, if an individual has a HABIT OF MAKING MISTAKES, then at least 2-3 EDITS are the need of the day. It all depends on the level of experience and skill that one possesses. The PROs may not need so much time and self-evaluation. While others may STRUGGLE to get things right, despite multiple revisions too!!
3. Use a few fixed set of keywords in most articles
This generally happens naturally!! Many writers have a particular set of words and keywords that they use in their daily life. This, not just helps them write articles. But also, distinguishes their articles from the rest. And makes their CONTENT recognizable and distinguishable. It is the PROOF that a WRITER has worked with a certain brand too.
But, not everyone can make this identification with rather ease. However, some writers just let this distinction be well-known for certain purposes. The main AIM of such a tactic is to get more RECOGNITION and WORK. For example a FABRIZIO ROMANO uses the words HERE WE GO!!
In a similar manner, a writer or a journalist might use other catch-phrases that would stick with them. Like, Arnab Goswami uses NATION WANTS TO KNOW!! Or at least, he did!! So, there are multiple expressions or words that can be associated with PEOPLE. The idea is to build a brand that people start using these FIXED TAGS for!!
2. Keep the SEO and Readability tabs in GREEN or above 80% at least (only for ONLINE content)
The BASIC RULE that every writer should follow and mandatorily follow is to ensure that the SEO and Readability of the ARTICLE is either always GREEN (Yoast SEO) or above 80% (Rank Math). This helps all PUBLISHERS understand that the writer is EXPERIENCED. And CARES ENOUGH for their brand!!
These are just the SMALL THINGS that count in the long-run. It may not seem evident at the very beginning, but this can be a MAKE or BREAK point for some, if not all. And so, this SIMPLE THING should be followed, with instructions/explanations mentioned in the particular sections.
At first, it may take a few weeks or months to get used to these minute things. But, once writers get the hang of it, it becomes quite easy. And complying with these, makes an article BETTER and reaches more people due to Google Crawlers and Policies!!
1. Be a football CONTENT writer!!
At the end of the day, a writer who is CONTENT, eventually does become a GOOD CONTENT WRITER!! Being SATISFIED with the work that you do is a MUST!! Because, if you over-critique your own work, you will never have the FOCUS and the PATIENCE needed to keep working on improving and growing.
No one is born a WRITER. We all become one. Whatever be the reason for it at the end of the day, evolution makes us BETTER!! And so, one needs to be HAPPY with the work that he or she does. If the work is DISSATISFYING or FRUSTRATING all the time; or one does not like what they PRODUCE, then things become MISERABLE!!
That is something that only makes GOOD CONTENT, BAD and eventually WORSE and WORST!! So, a calm mind is the NEED OF THE HOUR for GOOD CONTENT and improvement in this field.
At the end of the day, every Football Content Writer has a style of writing. Some STRENGTHS and some WEAKNESSES. The ideal way to get SUCCESS in this field is to HIGHLIGHT the STRENGTHS and overshadow the WEAKNESSES!! So, lastly, I will just repeat a line that I use at times, LET THERE BE WRITE!!