Lucifer season 5 brings out the topic of one’s fears and the introduction of Michael, Lucifer’s twin. Like Lucifer is the one to bring out one’s hidden desires, Michael focuses on one’s fear. Fear can be a tool of manipulation. It is the cause and reason for religion, faith, greed and many more.
While different people deal with their fears rather differently, the overall cause and ripple effect of these methods more or less remains the same. There is always a fight between good and bad while dealing with such problems. Whichever side wins can be the reflection of the decision taken.
The Irony Of Fear And Why Each And Everyone Of Us Should Meet The Michael In Our Life And Face Our Fears?
The biggest irony of life must be leaving in the fear of a fear coming true. How many individuals can actually acknowledge this irony and look beyond the chambers of mere daily existence? Not many. Not because they don’t want to. But because happiness is said to be key to all good that comes in life. While others are stuck analyzing their actual fears that their mind doesn’t offer them the luxury to look past that one little thing that could end it all and think that this fear of living in fear is a perceptual irony in itself.
And for those who do, the exit from this loop of an existential maze is a door of chance, rather than choice. Slipping into the shadows of the actual fears and never opening again, once a chance is gone. The whole concept of regret breeds in this game of chance versus choice. If only. Why not? How could I be so stupid? Why did I give up? Leave and let go of. Could I have done more? Was it worth it? So on and so forth.
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For the ones whose mind may do everything in perfect cohesion, entangled within the norms of luck, destiny and desire, the end product may at times be less satisfactory than the journey itself. Or the loops of ups and downs in life itself may be just exhausting enough to tire the body, mind and soul that in the end, it drains the ability to enjoy that fearlessness. And for some who look past that, the loop of irony restarts with another fear, the fear of loss.
Losing that perfect state, the state of tranquillity. An endless state of just not being fearsome anymore. But how long will it last? What if it is lost? The game of fear and the fears that follow play around like a cycle of endless misery until someone or something eventually exploits one or the other. At times, it is not even a person, it is a situation. Slowly and steadily sucking the life out of an existence that may seem perfect to the naked eye. But if only eyes could see everything there was to be seen. Ironies wouldn’t be just so frightening!!